Category: Lifestyle
Posted by Krister Axel
It is not too late to push for structural changes to our economic models, as well as our systems of currency, and taxation. But soon, it will be.
Posted by Krister Axel
Posted by Krister Axel
Boxabl is changing the market for prefabricated housing with their unique folding units that easily ship and unfold in just 2 hours.
Posted by Krister Axel
Discover some new music that might be your next favorite. - on Apple Music.
Posted by Krister Axel
The team at SonicBids has no intention of curating a useful experience for their subscribers - quite the opposite: they make every attempt to pump up the number of listings, with no regard for the business of communication, or properly setting expectations.
Posted by Krister Axel
We are wrapping up our second season with a book giveaway, and we will announce the winner at the end of this episode. Today's theme is that kindness is the glue.
Posted by Krister Axel
Today we are talking about how people get stuck, the importance of finding your own leadership, and how the way we define success for ourselves is everything.
Posted by Krister Axel
It's real. You are right to feel that way. Right now, nothing is normal.
Posted by Krister Axel
Dan is a middle child, who was always rebellious and found his voice as a sibling by pivoting away from the domineering first child, and the happy-go-lucky last child, as a sullen and precocious artist. That was the academic path Dan chose for himself: art.