The beauty of having nothing is that everything is new.
Krister Axel - Mar 29, 2019

This lazy ballad whispers of hope, and sunrises, and of a plan to make a difference to someone in this lonely world. And beyond the message of isolation, the metaphor of turning a fresh page, and breaking old patterns, works for anything we want: the beauty of having nothing is that everything is new.

It’s a meandering and wistful road, but it leads to healing. This combination of acoustic guitar, electronic flourishes, and heartfelt lyricism is a perfect fit for a hazy day.

I don’t know if I can keep on hearing all that I’ve done wrong

Cycles, the latest from east-coaster Lane Simkins, is a bittersweet visitation with the power of reinvention.

Often found barefoot with coffee in hand, New Jersey based singer songwriter, Lane Simkins, offers listeners an honest and raw experience. This song is featured on our Rainy Day playlist.