Loren Cole captures the essence of leaving it to destiny. It's the heart of adult self-discovery: making sense of the inexplicable.
Krister Axel - Sep 3, 2018

With a beautifully-coordinated string ensemble, a crisp vocal with a warm and fluttering cadence, and an acoustic guitar, Loren Cole captures the essence of leaving it to destiny. It's the heart of adult self-discovery: making sense of the inexplicable. It's hard to accept that we don't control everything in our lives.

Loren Cole, with her new single God Only Knows Why, is able to turn a narrative about mistakes and heartache into a folky lullaby, part chamber-session, with a silky thread of philosophical self-reflection. It's a beautiful moment of letting go.

Loren Cole grew up in Essexville, a small town outside of Bay City, Michigan.This song is featured on our Rainy Day playlist.