It’s about a relationship where two souls come together, and a hook that won’t leave you alone.
Krister Axel - Dec 22, 2018

ndie-rock from France has always had a place in my heart; the sound often feels so authentically personal, and meticulously crafted. It’s a plaintive reiteration of past epiphanies, and a statement about the chemistry between two people.

The voice is decidedly fatalistic, but here it passes for self-acceptance:

“Non, je n’en fais pas
se retrouver”— NOSONIC

translation: No, I don’t do that: finding oneself…

It’s about a relationship where two souls come together, and a hook that won’t leave you alone.

Paris, France: Independent rock band NOSONIC are back with their new album “L’excuse” produced by Phil Delire (who previously worked with Indochine). This song is featured on our CHILL Angeles playlist.