A classic case of rock-and-rock materialism, with a side of escapism, and some youthful wisdom-of-the-prowl.
Krister Axel - Feb 1, 2019

Two brothers and a bestie equals one indie-rock trio named Raised on TV. After throwing themselves at the road in a beat-up Econoline named Polly, they return to Los Angeles to create their next record at Dave Grohl’s studio 606.

There is a raw sense of energy, and the synergistic footprint of superlative band chemistry: the harmonies, the drum cadences, the fills, and the soaring electric guitar, all seem to work in perfect confluence with the song itself. The theme: everyone is crazy, only this - where we are now - is real.

Smog City, the latest from Raised on TV, is a classic case of rock-and-rock materialism, with a side of escapism, and some youthful wisdom-of-the-prowl. Or, put more simply, it rocks.

The Los Angeles based rock trio Raised on TV has recently released Smog City. This song is featured on our CHILL NEW Songwriters playlist.