Tag: announcements

Posted by Krister Axel
First it is too slow, and then it's too fast.
Posted by Krister Axel
We are finally ready to announce that we will be transitioning this site to a new platform over the next few months.
Posted by Krister Axel
I'm going back to Ruby, which feels like coming home.
Posted by Krister Axel
Many new features are in the works. We spent some time talking about what inspired the platform, and what he has planned for next steps.
Posted by Krister Axel
This one is written as a testimony to the power of family and personal conviction. We've given up a lot to get here, but we've gotten so much back in return.
Posted by Krister Axel
An All-Inclusive Caribbean Concert Vacation.
Posted by Krister Axel
Email is broken. And a series of anonymous Airtable forms will only get you so far.
Posted by Krister Axel
The goals have not changed, but the timeframe is now slightly different.
Posted by Krister Axel
I have a few more pieces to write, and then I will be taking a break until January.