This irresistible ode to emotional empathy might just be an excuse for having a good time.
Krister Axel - Jan 25, 2019

Delany starts out the year with a new single, mixed by renowned engineer Jeff Jackson, entitled Through a Lot. It’s a direct punch of mid-tempo swing and a discussion about the choices that collectively sum to a lifestyle.
This type of hip-hop-backed soul is in that sweet spot for deep groove, and the vocals do a great job of jumping right into the pocket. The feel here is sweet and funky, which starts with the bass: the way those hits line up is both art and science. This irresistible ode to emotional empathy might just be an excuse for having a good time.

Los Angeles-based Delany's 2019 single titled "Through a Lot" marks the next big step in his ascending career. This song is featured on our CHILL NEW Songwriters playlist.