A pulse-driven indie rock number that will have you searching for your own holy light.
Krister Axel - Apr 26, 2019

The photo might have something to do with it, but I get a sort of Roy Orbison vibe here. It might also be the guitar chug that reminds me of the Traveling Wilburys, but either way this is a straight and sharp rock delivery about unlocking the potential inside you.

What I love about the lyrics here is the concept that in a sense, we are all desperately trying to connect with our own angel. If you look for something long enough, sometimes you become afraid of finding it.

She’s no danger to you
She’s just trying to find her way back home

Angel, the latest from Canada’s Von Bieker is a pulse-driven indie rock number that will have you searching for your own holy light.

From the artist:

Angel is a song about transformation waiting in the wings. The Angel is inside every one of us. You might catch a glimpse, on the best mornings, in the mirror. Chances are you are better than you imagine.

This song is featured on our Americana playlist.