This is a soul-blues affair riding that acoustic guitar all the way out like a Citizen Cope in bed with Sade.
Krister Axel - May 6, 2018

I love the way it's all hanging off that swing, just a deep pocket with a few notes in it. This is a soul-blues affair riding that acoustic guitar all the way out like a Citizen Cope in bed with Sade. There's also a lazy understatement to the lead vocal, with that shattered throatiness, and a dry mix on it like he's in the room with you.

It's a meditation, a self-talk, and a promise to get closer. J.J. Leone, with his single Silver Lining, presents love as a dragon to be lulled to sleep by some heartbeat kick drum and a few seductive rhymes.

J.J. Leone is a singer-songwriter from Norfolk.