This palpable sense of release might be of help to anyone struggling with the difficulty of romantic crisis.
Krister Axel - Jun 1, 2020

We have covered Kat's music before - Kat is a singer and songwriter from Los Angeles, California, with a spirited voice that reminds us a bit of Florence Welch. She wrote "Amnesia" as a form of closure for the person she knew that she would never see again.

Combining layers of anger, pain, and personal catharsis, this emotional song is a raging, tear-stained letter to the person in Kat's past that was able to temporarily break her spirit. This engaging track is her return to agency, resulting in a show of passion and bold, dynamic self-expression. This palpable sense of release might be of help to anyone struggling with the difficulty of romantic crisis - it is the music that can make us whole again. With "Amnesia," Kat Hamilton delivers a raw and satisfying moment of indie rock denouement, showing us once again that her powerful voice is capable of anything.

This song is featured on our Indie Rock playlist.

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