There can be so much excitement in those early moments, and so much beautiful blindness.
Krister Axel - Jan 3, 2019

It’s a light, feel-good number, deep in the land of indie-electro machine hooks, crossed with a hip-hop inspired vocal delivery that is unique, honest, and lovable. Monica Riskey is creating her own take on that east-coast urban truth-teller: with hints of R&B flavor, a bubbly drum pocket, and details about her daily personal life.

It comes and goes quickly, so we are soon left with a simple statement about attraction. There can be so much excitement in those early moments, and so much beautiful blindness, this short song encapsulates the best of that emotional space. It’s quirky, it’s inviting, and a little bit of real talk about being there for someone, no matter what.

This song is featured on our CHILL NEW Songwriters playlist.