An emotional paean to the love of your life.
Krister Axel - Jul 16, 2019

In an emotional paean to the love of his life, drummer Matt Sanchez for indie-pop hitmakers American Authors delivers a heartfelt document of both honor and affection, and creates a permanent place in the annals of pop history for the best day of his life, and his gorgeous bride. We are given a private window into the event itself, with a film-reel, shaky-camera feel that both contributes a sense of nostalgia, and underscores the palpable controlled-chaos of such an ebullient and well-attended affair as the wedding of a a rock star.

The genuine affection in the eyes of everyone is quite clear, as families on both sides of the union have forged resilient and warm partnerships with each other, by marching together over the years through the gauntlet of fame and financial success, as well as public scrutiny. It feels both quaint and other-worldly to witness pop heroes like this in a moment of pure and vulnerable humanity, and the song is as beautiful as the moment. A chorus of bright voices lauds the union of two gentle souls.

And the world smiles back at them.

American Authors is an American rock band based in New York City currently signed to Island Records. This song is featured on our CHILL NEW Songwriters playlist.