The trap here is the stringent and puritanical hand of social construct, the hidden directives that collectively equate to a lack of choice.
Krister Axel - Jan 3, 2019

Here is a theme that is emerging from this indie-driven pop landscape - the very real and vital process of finding a path through the darkness. It is a choice that will come to all of us, sooner or later: will we define ourselves as open to possibility, or let the world wash past us like so much rain on a roof.

Here, encased in a pop idiom that invokes images of a Spector-produced track by Darlene Love, brought to a modern production-sheen, is a classic case of owning the narrative. Once we describe a predicament, we can begin to craft an exit. The trap here is the stringent and puritanical hand of social construct, the hidden directives that collectively equate to a lack of choice.

Welcome here’s your number
there’s your room
now take the picture
in the hall on the wall
compared to them
you’re much too tall
prepare to fall

Gabriella Rose is a singer songwriter based in Coeur d’Alene. This song is featured on our Rainy Day playlist.