The strings are a lovely counterpoint: serving as the glue between sections, and often as the curled tentacles of a whispered vignette.
Krister Axel - Oct 25, 2018

It’s a seductive slow-play of piano and guitar, with ambient flourishes and a raspy tenor. I hear some echoes of O from Damien Rice, with that chamber-pop sensibility and the long crescendo.

The strings are a lovely counterpoint: serving as the glue between sections, and often as the curled tentacles of a whispered vignette. It’s an experience in musicianship, restraint, and beautiful poise. The live performance video is a dualistic play on shadow and light; the song is raw pathos.

Soham De is a 21 year old singer-songwriter from Kings Lynn, UK. This song is featured on our CHILL NEW Songwriters playlist.