Cut Your Losses - (good girls) Go To Hell
Krister Axel

"Cut Your Losses" is a great example of the kind of killer rock 'n' roll bands that can come out of Chicago. From Liz Phair all the way to Beach Bunny, Chi-Town continues to bring great musicians and songwriters together, under the banner of social disaffection. These kids can definitely play.
We didn't get a lot of information on "Cut Your Losses," but, to be fair, the music does speak for itself. "(good girls) Go To Hell" is indie, it is alt rock, and it cuts like a razor blade. With big fills right where you want them, thick beds of tube distortion, and a vocal performance on par with the best, "(good girls) Go To Hell" builds from a crunchy quarter-note pulse-chop on the electric guitar to a veritable wonder of collaboration between boomy drums, fuzz guitar, and inspired vocal. It feels, on a certain level, like the soundtrack of the party montage to every Todd Phillips movie, ever. Which kind of makes you think, because it was written as a pushback from the woman's perspective against a barrage of constant fuckery from the opposite sex. So even the production choices are meant a little bit as a middle finger to a certain kind of person. Take that, asshole.
You know who you are.
The debut album "Reflections of Ghosts" from this promising band is out now on all of your favorite music platforms.
I can sit pretty and bend to your rules
I'll go to therapy cause you're such a tool
If I'm going down then you're coming with me
Maybe good girls go to hell too
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