Instrumental Hip Hop. - imagiro: i woke up and i was happy
Krister Axel

Sharing my love of both lowercase letters and polyrhythm, imagiro gives us a rhythmically-complex statement about finding stillness in your life. i woke up and i was happy, the latest from UK’s imagiro, delivers a compelling and eclectic blend of sampled beats, live percussion, and a bouncy sense of groove.
This is a true commitment to the figure of 3 over 4: triplet time over a straight pulse, where the added flavor extends from a deep swing on the quarter-note and the triplet side, and a sweeping sense of melody from the synthesizer. An easy sense of dynamics comes from the break, and we return to a jazz-inflection and a deeply-modulated lead synth, over a bed of funky syncopation.
i woke up and i was happy, the latest from UK’s imagiro, is a personal invitation to enjoy the flavors of polyrhythm and instrumental hip hop, with a touch of morning optimism.
August Pemberton is an 18-year-old musician and producer living in southwest UK. This song is featured on our Instrumental playlist.