James Ollier - Nomad Frays
Krister Axel

It’s hard to write about James Ollier without sounding like a personals ad: he’s young, likes to travel, and has a clear point of view; he has a delicate touch on the acoustic guitar. His Somerset lilt, his Bon Iver meets James Blunt style of melody, and the inarguably genuine sense of vocal delivery might just make a fan out of you.
It’s a folk-inspired foundation: both the primacy of the acoustic guitar, and the sense of space, contribute to a thematic freedom that allows us a vision of the heart within.
“We are the nomad frays
caught between life and change
we live for the minute, and then we relive it
and get lost inside”— James Ollier
With an inspired sense of wisdom, James Ollier makes a broad statement about how small we can be when we stand alone.
James Ollier is a singer and songwriter from Glastonbury, UK. This song is featured on our Lost Treasure - Americana playlist.