The Tame and the Wild - Even Apple Trees Go Through Rough Times
Krister Axel

The Tame and the Wild come to us from Luxembourg. This Indie-folk duo is made up of singer-songwriters Seja & Flëpp, who enjoy creating music together that explores human nature, as it interacts with the natural world. A reflection, perhaps, of our role as humans in a world dominated by natural phenomena. Latest track "Even Apple Trees Go Through Rough Times" feels like an allegory for mother Earth, and leaves us with the hope that there is still perhaps time for a positive redemption for our natural world in the years to come. Let us hope together that the climate sickness we are experiencing is temporary.
"Even Apple Trees Go Through Rough Times" is a traditional folk representation of the emotions of a tree: a projection of humanity, and the attending social considerations, onto a natural entity in a way that explores the metaphorical parallels between traditional existence and a fresh new world of automation and artificiality. Not bad for a ditty with acoustic guitar, a descending cadence, and some beautiful words about overcoming self-doubt. With a gorgeous string accompaniment, and a memorable vocal performance, this endearing folk song checks all the boxes for a boutique-friendly combination of nostalgia and warm, earth-friendly symbolism - as if commiseration with the natural world was an end to itself.
Get thee to Mount Shasta.

Cello arrangement by Cedric Fischer (Unison Studios).
Violin part played by the well-known Jojo Wagner (Schëppe Siwen, folk punk band from Luxembourg).