
Dana Miller

Atlanta, Georgia

Dana Miller's poetic syllables like to trundle in the wilds—usually in search of a smackerel or two. On their way, they have found themselves featured in Postscript Magazine, Better Than Starbucks, Fairy Piece, Sledgehammer Lit, FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Small Leaf Press, Tofu Ink Arts Press, and Nauseated Drive. When not wielding a lethal pen, Dana adores surf culture, Australian grunge rockers, muscle cars, Epiphone guitars, glitter, Doc Martens, and medieval-looking draft horses with feathered feet.

Collected works are below.
Posted by Dana Miller
Some people don't think anyone lives at the three-way juncture where Cyndi Lauper meets Nirvana meets Jane Austen. Dana Miller does, however, reside there.