Category: Tech
Posted by Krister Axel
Posted by Krister Axel
As it turns out, buying crypto is hard in the United States. It's even harder in New York. Read on for a step-by-step guide to adding $AUDIO coins to your AUDIUS wallet, made specifically for residents of the Empire State.
Posted by Jessica Helen Brant
Here are a few tips to help build on your audience, gain traction in the indie music sphere, and make the ride smoother for you.
Posted by Krister Axel
A point-by-point, technical discussion of the drawbacks to using to broadcast music.
Posted by Krister Axel
Spotify gets 20,000 new song submissions every day. Having a nice microphone will not set you apart - but having a fresh and creative approach to working within your limits, whatever they are, will make all the difference.
Posted by Krister Axel
For my top playlists, I use Soundiiz to automate a daily refresh from the Spotify master list to SoundCloud, Deezer, and YouTube music. Syncing with Apple Music is still done by hand.
Posted by Krister Axel
There is an AI chatbot available now for iPhone and Android that will make friends with you, and then start recommending music (if you ask it to). But you need to spend time and money up front to get the full experience.
Posted by Krister Axel
Ghost is bringing the power of cutting-edge open source technology to the cloud experience of creating beautiful content. The result is a product that is easy to use, blazingly-fast, and getting better with every iteration.
Posted by Krister Axel
Stream audio files from your Ghost blog in a painless way using Cloudinary.