Writers We Have Published

Donna Lee Miele

Nyack, New York

Donna Lee Miele was born in Brooklyn to a Filipina mother, who grew up a fugitive during World War II and retained only a dreamlike slideshow of memories. Donna weaves much of her fiction by wondering about the experiences behind those snapshots. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Ms.Aligned 3, North Dakota Quarterly, the Massachusetts Review, and elsewhere. She is a founding member of River River Writers' Circle.


Claude Clayton Smith

Ada, Ohio

Claude Clayton Smith is Professor Emeritus of English at Ohio Northern University, the author of eight books, and co-editor/translator of three others. His work has been translated into five languages, including Russian and Chinese.


Elisabeth Sharber

Frankfort, Indiana

Elisabeth Sharber is a 12th grade English teacher at Frankfort Senior High School in Indiana. When she isn't writing or teaching, she likes to run, dance, watch documentaries, and bother her legislatures. She has been published in The American Aesthetic, FLARE, Driftwood Press, Bending Genres, The Chestnut Review, and Sand Hills Literary Magazine.


Jonathan P-Wright

South Beach

Jonathan P-Wright is Chief Visionary Officer of RADIOPUSHERS and freelance writer for multiple mainstream media companies. Jonathan P-Wright is a bi-costal resident between Southern California and South Beach.

RADIOPUSHERS creates digital alliances with emerging artists driven by an aggressive entrepreneurial spirit. The chief focus lies within sparking inspiration and fueling a timeless brand.


Agbiri-onwu Chinwendu Elsie


Chinwendu is a student-physioytherapist and Varsity footballer at a Nigerian University who spends most of her time idolizing Celine Dion, writing in melancholic moods and arguing in favor of LGBTQ+


Alan Cohen

Eugene, OR

Alan Cohen is a poet first, then PCMD, teacher, and manager, living a full varied life. After writing poems all his life, he is beginning now to share some of his discoveries.



Sydney, Australia

My poetry focuses on topics like the queer female perspective, feminism, nature, mythology, and death.


Avital Balwit

Portland, OR

Avital studies political theory and cognitive science at the University of Virginia. She has writing published in Kanstellation, New Reader Magazine, and forthcoming in World Weaver Press.


Cat Hubka

New Mexico

Cat is a writer, photographer, and actor in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she teaches technical writing at UNM. Her poems and essays have appeared in both print and online journals.